Monster Hunter World: Loadout system
When it comes to MHW, there a few systems that are critical. This is one of them. It saves you so much time and you can always tweak your loadouts to properly g...
Mr. Melledork 

Mr. Melledork
3 minutes
Monster Hunter World: Guiding Lands
The Guiding Lands is a new addition to the New World, but it can be somewhat confusing when you’re new to it. This place has many treasures, so let’s delve a bi...
Mr. Melledork 

Mr. Melledork
2 minutes
Monster Hunter World: Canteen system
The canteen system can be daunting and to some extend it is, but let me break it down for you lads and ‘laddetes’. The canteen system is not the most important...
Mr. Melledork 

Mr. Melledork
5 minutes