Monster Hunter World: Loadout system

Mr. Melledork
When it comes to MHW, there a few systems that are critical. This is one of them. It saves you so much time and you can always tweak your loadouts to properly get what you need.
There are two types of loadouts in the game. One for equipment and one for consumable items that you bring on the quest. To get into these you go to their respective places and press Y on your Xbox controller, triangle on your PS controller or X on your keyboard. “Manage Items” for the item loadout and “Change equipment” for equipment.
Item loadouts
The power of loadouts and time saving is really shown here. I have made myself a loadout that has everything i need in a everyday mission. I can always go in and add more to it if i need something specific for a monster.
So how does it work?
Set up your inventory like you would normally do. Add your potions, your flashpods, traps, nullberies, power/armor charms and what not. When you’re happy with your inventory. Go into the manage loadout screen and save it. Whenever you’re going in for a mission, just pop into the Manage items and “apply” the loadout and get everything you had back. It’s pretty simple but so time consuming. You can also set up different loadouts. The way i have done it, is just to have a general loadout with most of the stuff i need. A gathering loadout which is just empty, so i have lots of room to fill up with loot. Then there is a support loadout with mushrooms and stuff, which are good for when i play a more supportive role.
Other people might have specific loadouts for monsters, areas or any other kind of differentiator.
Note: I have not written a guide on it yet. But when you update your radial buttons(Radial system), it is bound to your load out. So when you change it, you need to save your loadout again with the new changes.
Armour loadouts
This is also very useful, especially for people who like to use different types of weapons or that have elemental builds.
The gist of this whole thing is that you save your equipment and gems into a neat package to pull out whenever you need. Having the gem transferred automatically every time you switch is a godsend, at least if you have mainly the same build but just switch out the gems for certain scenarios.
Struggle with Vaal Hazak? Make a specific build just to counter him, and pull it whenever you need it. Want a support build with your hunting horn and a DPS build? Sure you have the room for it now.
You use it the exact same way as you use the Item loadouts, just now it is whatever you have equipped.